The Brumate Hopsulator Duo is a can cooler that doubles as a tumbler. While it doesn’t shoulder all the blame, it has definitely contributed to me not meeting my daily step count. I’m not mad about it. Here’s why:
- The BruMate Hopsulator Duo allows me to sip at my leisure.
The BruMate utilizes triple-insulated technology to keep beverages at the perfect temperature. This alleviates the pressure to drink my coffee before it cools or to drink my soda before the ice melts. It’s also what saves me multiple trips, or one trip if it’s a good day, to the microwave. Fewer trips to the microwave mean fewer steps toward my daily goal, but it also means better tasting coffee.
The BruMate Hopsulator Duo keeps my coffee tasting fresh because it doesn’t leave a metallic taste. It keeps my soda tasting great because the Duo is a can-cooler. It works to insulate my soda can so that I don’t have to worry about chugging it down before it warms up to room temperature.
- The Brumate Hopsulator Duo prevents spillage.
Gone are my days of asking for (or forgetting to ask for) a “double-cup” at Starbucks. That means no spillage when the lid doesn’t fit right. The Brumate Hopsulator Duo comes with a traditional tumbler lid. The lid is easy to slide into place and it stays secure once you have it in position. The lid slider is what makes the Brumate stand out to me. I would characterize the lid slider as less “slide” and more “snap.” In my best Elle Woods voice, “just sliiiiiide and snap!”
The “snap” slider helps the lid remain splash-proof. If you’re driving down the road and you hit a bump or a pothole, you don’t have to take one hand off the wheel to secure your drink, lest it splashes through the hole in the lid (with many other tumblers, this can happen even when the slider is closed).
The “snap” slider lid doesn’t drip. I don’t have to worry about catching any excess coffee with my bottom lip when I take a drink. This detail can be underrated, so let me put it into perspective for you. This detail is what prevents you from spilling coffee on your tie, shirt, pants, etc. It’s also what prevents people from making “hole in your bottom lip” dad jokes. That’s a win-win-win if you ask me.
The Brumate Hopsulator Duo will help you spend less time at the microwave and more time at your desk. You can spend less time holding a stain remover pen and more time with your fingers on your keyboard. You can spend less time fake laughing at your co-worker’s dad jokes and more time tagging your BFF in baby Yoda memes.
So while the Brumate Hopsulator Duo might reduce your daily step count, it can increase your efficiency. For all of you who want to meet your daily step count without leaving your desk, check out the Cubii Pro. Now get back to work, Jedi.