With spring here, I have been excited to get outside and start my garden. Typically, I use hand spades to dig the holes for my plants, but I recently discovered the RotoShovel ($140).
This mighty automatic handheld shovel comes equipped with an auger. Since I live in Wisconsin, our soil is clay and full of rocks – not the most accommodating soil to plant a garden or landscaping.
I really liked that it was a cordless, electric (uses a lithium-ion battery) shovel as it is like a drill for the dirt. When I received my RotoShovel, I was glad to find that it came with the shovel attachment, auger kit, rechargeable battery, and charging dock, all enclosed in a sturdy, hard case.
I needed to put in some new landscape flowers, so I grabbed the RotoShovel. It digs 3” in diameter and up to 7” deep and keeps going for 1 ½ hours. Perfect for my new daisies!
Additionally, when digging, I encountered many rocks. Thankfully, the RotoShovel comes equipped with some safety features. First, if the auger hits a root or rock, it will stop. Second, the shovel will only work when the thumb trigger is depressed. If you release the trigger, the motor will stop running.
If you’re looking for a Mother’s Day gift that is outside of the box, the RotoShovel is excellent! Your loved one could use it to scoop and plant bulbs, flowers, or veggies, dig holes for signs or fence posts, even install small trees and shrubs! And if you need some guidance, you can head over to YouTube and watch a short video. RotoShovel is available nationwide at Ace Hardware, True Value, Do It Best, and Amazon.