What’s the range on the Ford Maverick Hybrid? The FordPass app lets you find out

Information is king in our distracted world. Having information at your fingertips helps make better decisions and keeps life on track.

One small example of this is the FordPass app. Designed to be a helpful tool in a busy world, the app allows you to stay connected with your vehicle. My favorite feature actually came in handy in an unexpected way.

During a recent test of the Ford Maverick Hybrid, I was juggling multiple work projects and personal appointments—doctors, dentists, and everything in between. I kept driving without keeping an eye on the vehicle’s range. While electric car owners constantly monitor this, it’s easy to forget even with a hybrid truck like this one.

In my rural area, distractions are plentiful, and I sometimes forget to refuel. During a meeting, I checked the FordPass app and noticed I only had about 50 miles of range left. It wasn’t a panic moment, but it did require me to adjust my plans for the day. I had to make a detour to refuel between meetings, and I was glad I could check the range from the app.

But that’s not all FordPass can do while driving the Maverick—or rather, when you’re not driving it. I found several features quite useful. Firstly, you can lock and unlock the vehicle remotely. Given my busy week, it was reassuring to confirm via the app whether I had locked the car. The app sends the lock command promptly, and I used it several times.

FordPass also provides the vehicle’s location. While I didn’t forget where I parked, this feature would be invaluable in crowded parking lots at airports or malls. It could be a lifesaver if you tend to forget such things. The app uses Google Maps for precise vehicle location.

Additionally, you can start the vehicle remotely with safety measures in place. Instead of a simple button, the app requires you to slide a toggle intentionally to start the Maverick. This feature prevented accidental starts during my hectic week when I was too preoccupied to refuel.

Interestingly, the app allows you to schedule remote starts. This is useful in hot climates to cool down the car or on cold winter days to warm it up. You can schedule a remote start in the morning so that by breakfast time, the Maverick is at your preferred temperature. It’s highly convenient.

Lastly, the app indicates the vehicle’s health and notifies you of any recall notices or upcoming service needs. You can schedule maintenance and select your preferred dealer right from the app. Having all this information readily available is incredibly convenient.

For me, the most valuable aspect was the reminder about refueling. I easily found a gas station and was back on track to my next meeting.