Quarantining in March and staying at home these last several months was an unexpected surprise — I’m sure you can relate. One of the things I missed most at the start of the stay-at-home fun was my gym, which quickly closed. I went from having all of the equipment I needed (and much, much more) at the gym to having very minimal workout equipment in my “home gym”.
Calling it a “home gym” might be a bit generous. I had a pullup bar, a few assorted dumbbells, and some pushup handles that were about as unused as my mother’s vintage china collection (Sorry, Mom. I call it like I see it).
I was thrilled to add to my “collection” when FitFighter equipment showed up at my doorstep. The equipment itself looks and feels untraditional, compared to your usual workout equipment. You probably wouldn’t find these weights at your local 24 Hour Fitness. The weights, dubbed “Steelhoses,” are long, slender weights that are heavier than they look.
FitFighter’s website describes the Steelhoses as “ dumbbell, kettlebell, sandbag, medicine ball, and sledge in a single tool”. When I started working out with these weights, I quickly discovered their versatility.
FitFighter’s free app (available at your favorite app store) is an extremely beneficial aid to your workout. The app has a library of every exercise (173 of them!) you can do with these weights. It also sorts them into five categories: Strength Movements, Rotation Movements, Core Movements, Conditioning Movements, and Grip Movements. I found I can create a great workout by blending different kinds of movements or by sticking to just one type for the duration of my workout.
The Steelhoses’ shape allows their use in a wide range of exercises. They can be pulled, lifted, pushed, dropped, and more to accommodate each of the movements in the app. I was even able to create a pushup-lifting hybrid move that wouldn’t have been possible with typical weights.
Every exercise comes with a video tutorial, and you can add the movement to a customizable playlist. Additionally, for $20 a month, you can unlock the app’s full features — more movements, playlists curated to you, training with experts, and more.
I’ve only encountered a few things I don’t like about the FitFighter Steelhoses. Firstly, many of the exercises require extra equipment such as straps and bands. As you might’ve guessed, I don’t have much of those instruments, and thus had to navigate around those exercises. However, there are so many exercises that lack of equipment should not stop you from finding a few great routines.
Secondly, to fully maximize your workout and use all of the exercises, you’ll want a pretty diverse range of weights in your collection. This ensemble would cost you a few hundred dollars to put together — and you’d probably want to tack on the $20/month for full access to the app as well.
Overall, I don’t have many complaints. I have no doubt you’d be able to have amazing workouts. It might cost you an arm and a leg, though. The FitFighter products have completely changed my home workouts through quarantine, and as a result, I’m considering adjusting my gym routine even though stay-at-home is over. If you’re looking for a new addition to your home gym, I highly recommend trying out the FitFighter Steelhoses.
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