My son is in the phase of life where he absolutely adores me, and then wants to tackle me. When he is in his “be like dada” mood, he wants to dress like me, act like me, talk like me, and do think like me. Recently, I decided to cut down a medium sized pine tree in my backyard. I grabbed the chainsaw and chopped it down, and then, of course, I proceeded to chop it into a million pieces. As I was cleaning up, my son came booking it around the corner with his Red Toolbox Stanley Jr. wheelbarrow filled with his other Stanley Jr. kids tools.
Surprisingly, the little wheelbarrow actually proved quite helpful in picking up little branches from the pine tree I decided to chop into oblivion — rather than in half or thirds like a responsible adult. But then again, it’s not every day I get to “play” with a chainsaw. My son was able to fit quite a bit into his bucket, and then was able to proceed to the curb where we dumped the branches.
Not only has this wheelbarrow actually come in handy for legitimate adult projects, but it has been the perfect way for my son to act like dada and copy what I do. Further, the other tools have only added to the fun and function. In particular, my son has a shovel, rake, drill, screwdriver, gloves, hard hat, and more.
All of these items were incredibly easy to set up. The wheelbarrow took a total of 5 minutes to set up in my garage before my son could play with it. The gloves, shovel, drill and more took even less time, as all I had to do was cut them out of their box!
My son loves getting all of his gear on and helping me with any project he can thanks to Stanley Jr! Before having actual Stanley Jr tools for him, he would take my tape measure, hammer, or level around the house as toys and then would lose them or hide them in strange places — like his pillow case, underwear drawer, or blanket basket. Now, he can have his own tools, act like he’s helping me out on projects, and not lose my tools.
If your kids love to help with projects, want to pretend to do projects of their own, or just love to hide your tools, check out Stanley Jr tools!