This winter, I had the opportunity to spend a lot of time outdoors. I have been living along a lake, and this enables me to get out and ice fish, use an ATV and drive snowmobiles to my heart’s content. While I hoped for more fresh snow, the cold temperatures certainly kept the snow we did receive on the ground throughout the beautiful season.
I recently ripped my now ten-year-old snow pants (okay, yes, admittedly this is probably due to gaining weight over the years) and I was grateful to test another product from
I am always excited to give outdoor gear a chance, but I am invariably a skeptic of how it will fit. When you trek outdoors, gear needs to feel perfect. It needs to be tough, give you room to move, keep you warm, and look stylish at the same time. The Backcountry Girdwood GORE-TEX Insulated Pants check all of these boxes with one exception.
The Warmth
If there has been one thing I’ve noticed while testing Backcountry winter gear, it’s that I’ve always stayed warm while wearing it. This is saying a lot. I live in Minnesota where it isn’t uncommon to see temperatures drop below zero for several weeks in the winter. After using these snow pants, I can confirm that the same can definitely be said about them. They are warm.
I have had really good experiences with GORE-TEX gear, and Backcountry’s partnership with them adds a major plus to the product. I find GORE-TEX especially essential while being outdoors during exceptional wind, or while using snowmobiles or ATVs. It helps block the wind from penetrating to my core, while at the same time prevents me from getting too warm due to its breathability. The material is also waterproof which allows me to sled with my kids without getting wet.
The Style
In high-school, one of my biggest pet peeves was when my mom would buy me a winter coat or pants that were neutral in color or looked unisex. I recall seeing a girl wearing the same winter-coat I received for Christmas and feeling as though the world might end. Perhaps this is a trend for me as I have also been asked if I wear women’s glasses (They aren’t – I swear – or maybe they are? – ugh).
These Girdwood snow pants look awesome. They are sleek, tough, and remind me of pants you would see in a movie action scene. They have plenty of storage and vents to ensure you don’t get too warm during activity. Keanu Reeves or The Rock would totally wear something akin to these pants should they hit the slopes in upcoming action thrillers. Perhaps we’ll see James Bond sport these in future iterations of 007 flicks. Backcountry’s style game is on fleek here.
The Fit
Have you ever been listening to a song you thought you were going to love and then it completely changes on you? Or perhaps you have been reading a book that seems amazing, but the main character is severely weakened by lame dialogue or a massive plot hole develops that just can’t be resolved? I feel that way about these pants. Everything about them is awesome. They look great (while I’m not wearing them), they keep me warm, but they just don’t fit right.
The waist is adjustable. I typically wear a 32×30 in jeans for reference, and even after adjusting the waste on the mediums, they were simply too tight. At 5’8” the large size is too long and makes my legs look like I’ve stepped into a giant slinky at the bottom. Use caution when ordering. Backcountry does display different body types when sizing, so be sure to check it out.
If you happen to find a size that fits your body right, these insulated snow pants are where it’s at. They look modern and aren’t too bulky. They will keep you warm and the GORE-TEX does a great job blocking water and wind while helping remove excess heat during movement. I hate the fact there is a downside to these otherwise perfect snow pants. I wish I had the right body type for them to work well for me. In the meantime, I guess I’ll have to stick with my unisex bibs (ugh).