The Amazon Echo Studio – a wonderful reason to ditch your old Echo

I have been an Echo fan since the first gen Echo was released in roughly 2014.…

16 essential travel gadgets

For years my family has been planning the perfect trip to Disney. Now that sounds like…

Your standing desk just got an exciting new friend named the Whirly Board

Although I was a dancer for 15 years, I tend to be a little…off balance. This…

Comfortable and luxurious sheets on a budget

I used to be a “cold sleeper.” I would need all the blankets, and I’d cuddle…

I’ll keep the light on for ya…even in a blackout

In the Northwoods, the power can go out at any time. We have yet to purchase…

Upgrade your work and gaming station with this Monoprice monitor mount

I have been trying to work with three monitors for years now. I spent a lot…

This new microphone from Neat is “King”

I recently wrote a review on the Bumblebee 2 USB microphone from Neat. In the review,…

Katchy is so Catchy

Summer is approaching fast and with summer comes the annoying problem of bugs. Living in the…