Is the Alienware 51M gaming laptop overpriced or just right?

Gaming laptops are nothing new. They’ve been around for a while and, at the front line…

Oculus Quest is the perfect gaming headset – for about 20 minutes

Although VR has been around for a few years now, companies are constantly doing their best…

MLB The Show 20 is the most detailed sports sim I’ve ever played

I could have gone professional.  I was on my way to another stellar baseball season after…

Can you survive being stranded in the desert?

Imagine this scenario — you’re stranded in the desert in the middle of a sand storm.…

Xbox One S All Digital Edition: Never get off the couch again

I swear I am not a lazy person. Is it wrong I don’t want to move…

Animal Crossing: New Horizons – a perfect world when ours isn’t

If you’re like me and live in the US, then you are more than likely in…

Yoshi’s crafting a new kind of game

I thought for sure as I was looking at the demos of the game and preparing…