Two weeks ago, I stepped into the elevator at work and noticed a young woman standing next to me. “Man, it’s so cold in here today,” I said with a slight laugh, thinking she would definitely agree.
“I know already, that’s what everyone keeps telling me,” she replied. “I’m doing the best I can to regulate the temp but it’s tough this time of year.”
I replied with a quick “whoops, I’m sorry.” I didn’t realize she was in charge of the thermostat. You could hear the click clack of the elevator as we traveled upwards the rest of the way in silence.
While the temperature in my office is completely outside my control, there are a few tricks I’ve learned for how to keep warm this fall. My ultimate go to? The Sportiqe Women’s Sycamore Fleece Zip Up Vest easily matches my work clothes and helps regulate my body temperature.
What’s great about the Sycamore Vest is how soft it is – it’s different from other vests that are very fuzzy and collect lint everywhere you turn. The material is made of 100% recycled polyester with pockets that zip shut.
I once tested the PrAna Permafrost Vest for The Daily Beast, and while I still love it, I noticed it collects lint easier than the Women’s Sycamore by Sportiqe. If you want something less “poofy” and more versatile, Sportiqe is a great option.
I wore the vest to work last week over an off-white long-sleeve shirt and pair of black pants. The office dress code is what I’d peg as “smart business” or “business casual” (if you know much about these dress categories, it’s sometimes a challenge to figure out). While it fit the vibe appropriately, it also kept me warm throughout the day, which is most important when I’m sitting in meetings.
I like how simple the Sportiqe Vest is because you can wear it with anything. This past weekend, I went to a live comedy club with a friend and wore the vest over a long sleeve cheetah shirt. The black matched the rest of my outfit well and it was easy to dress the vest up (and keep warm without wearing a jacket, which usually hides every outfit this time of year).
When my friend walked up and gave me a giant hug, she laughed at me because we were unintentionally matching – she was wearing a white vest with cheetah to go with it. What were the odds? I’m not the only person turning to solid-color vests as the weather changes.
Sportiqe is a unique brand that’s great for anyone who loves to travel or spend time outside. All of the materials are eco friendly and work great as travel pieces (because you can mix and match them easily). I’m planning to wear my Sportiqe Vest with lots of other outfits. While I’m hoping my office temperature changes next week, at least I won’t be complaining on my way up the elevator.